(Yes, it's the same interview template - I thought it would be interesting to hear different answers to the same questions ^ u ^ )
1. What inspired you to become a beauty blogger?
first, I was inspired by a famous youtube guru, Bubzbeauty. She
inspired me a lot and I'm longing to share something to others. I chosen
to blog, since I have no time to make proper videos and enough
confidence to talk in front of camera. Then, I was inspired by many
beauty bloggers and finally I tried my best to blog.
My blog is my little diary :D I could share anything on my blog! I
really want to be a productive blogger, share something unusual yet
gives benefit to my readers.
3. When did you start blogging?
3. When did you start blogging?
February, 2012
4. What would you recommend doing when starting a blog? And how does one gain traffic? Are there any other tips you could share?
4. What would you recommend doing when starting a blog? And how does one gain traffic? Are there any other tips you could share?
Join a community, to increase traffic and build friendship with fellow bloggers and readers :)
Share as many as you can, on your blog. Improving the content, writing style and photography skill are necessary.
5. What revolutionary product or skincare trick/tip helped you magically transform your skin?

5. What revolutionary product or skincare trick/tip helped you magically transform your skin?
I found that there's no product better than mineral water. I drank
mineral water a lot lately and surprisingly (for the first time) I
didn't get any simple pimple during my period! Sleep enough, eat well
and cleanse your face properly :D
6. What are your HG skincare products and why?
6. What are your HG skincare products and why?
Haven't found it yet.
7. What are your favourite/HG makeup products and how do they help express your style/feelings?
7. What are your favourite/HG makeup products and how do they help express your style/feelings?
Umm I love Etude House makeup! Love their packaging and they got nice quality as well.
8. What should every beauty blogger/beauty junkie know?
8. What should every beauty blogger/beauty junkie know?
Spend your money wisely ^^ Try to differentiate which is your needs and your wants. Make a priority-list.
9. Lastly, but not least, what does beauty mean for you? What does it include, in your opinion, and how can it be defined?
9. Lastly, but not least, what does beauty mean for you? What does it include, in your opinion, and how can it be defined?
Beauty has no meaning when someone is only wearing "mask" to cover their hateful hearts :)
True beauty is only could be showed when someone has inner beauty ❤
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